



3.烤:使用我们的螺母烤肉机加工芝麻。此时,芝麻有大的含水量,不会烧伤;烤直到大约20分钟,芝麻凸起的表面,并使用纤细的火搅拌。使用人或机械搅拌使芝麻均匀煮熟。烤后,将3%冷水倒入锅中,然后煎炸另一分钟。水溅的效果是使温度下降突然,使芝麻组织酥脆,有利于磨削酱汁,并使垃圾烟雾升高水蒸气。油炸芝麻籽用手扭曲以产生油,它们的颜色呈棕色。芝麻籽具有脆,均匀和成熟的感觉。这里值得一提的是,食用用途的芝麻酱应该用糖化的种子炒,而用于提取小型研磨芝麻油的芝麻应更大,炒。油炸种子的作用主要是使蛋白质增强,这有利于除去油。 When the sesame is fried to nearly 200 degrees Celsius, the protein is basically completely denatured, and the neutral fat content is the highest. After charring above 200 degrees Celsius, some neutral fats overflow and the fat content decreases. In addition, when stirring the oil, the coke skin may absorb part of the neutral oil, so if the sesame is too old, the oil yield will decrease. Stir-fried seeds produce scent substances, and only sesame seeds fried at high temperature have a scent. The oil produced after frying seeds at high temperature can retain rich flavor if the temperature is not increased.



5.研磨:使用石渣或bob综合app赌博官网将烤好的芝麻磨成芝麻糊。麻酱越细越好。把芝麻酱涂在拇指指甲上,然后用嘴吹走。合格的是指甲上没有明显的小颗粒。研磨酱汁时,把配料均匀地加进去。严禁空气研磨。熟芝麻的温度应保持在65-75摄氏度。石磨机的转速最好为每分钟30转。石磨的研磨花纹很细。芝麻磨几次后,需要凿一次。 The function of honing sauce: after frying the seeds, the internal oil and fat accumulate, and it is in a state of easy extraction (the viscosity of the oil and fat is also reduced). After grinding, it forms a slurry. Because sesame has a high oil content and a large amount of oil, this slurry is a suspension composed of solid particles and oil, which is relatively stable. It is difficult to separate solids and oil by standing. Therefore, it is necessary to use water to make solid particles absorb Baidu moisture, increase density, and separate itself. The honing sauce is required to be as fine as possible, which has two purposes: one is to fully rupture the oil cells in order to remove the fat as much as possible; the other is to make the water uniformly penetrate into the inside of the sesame sauce while stirring the oil, and the fat is completely replaced.

6.将酱汁加热至95°C 50秒进行灭菌,并在完成后立即进入罐头过程。
